Epiicenter Press inc

Rough Ride


Darcy Moreland is thrilled to be back in her old home town of Cheyenne, Wyoming and working as a reporter for the local TV station, KCWY. As a bonus, Zach Horton, an old college friend is station manager and now her boss. On her first assignment covering the carnival midway of Cheyenne Rodeo Days, a body drops from the top of the Ferris wheel inches from her videographer who was lying on the asphalt to get a special shot. Darcy knew the girl and her family which only galvanizes her determination to find the cause of Bridget's death.

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Darcy Moreland is thrilled to be back in her old home town of Cheyenne, Wyoming and working as a reporter for the local TV station, KCWY. As a bonus, Zach Horton, an old college friend is station manager and now her boss. On her first assignment covering the carnival midway of Cheyenne Rodeo Days, a body drops from the top of the Ferris wheel inches from her videographer who was lying on the asphalt to get a special shot. Darcy knew the girl and her family which only galvanizes her determination to find the cause of Bridget's death.

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SKU: 02-001-0896

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